Graphite packings

Expanded graphite is one of the best materials for manufacturing dynamic sealings. Its heat resistance ranges from – 200 °C to + 2000 °C. Unfortunately its heat resistance decreases in the effect of air, steam and other oxidants. It is therefore assumed that good brands of expanded graphite can be used in the air up to 450 °C, in dynamic applications up to 550 °C, and in static applications, e.g. in valves, up to 600 °C.
Expanded graphite features very good chemical resistance to practically all media, with the exception of strong oxidants; good thermal conductivity and low friction coeffi cient for steel.

parameterfunctional parametersDescription

پکینگ 605 گرافیتی گامبیت

Packing made of expanded pure graphite yarn with a cotton core.

T max [⁰C]

-200 to 450

steam 500 /  oxygen-free 2000

P max [bar]40200
V max [m/s]402
PH0- 14Dimension range6- 25 mm
parameterfunctional parametersDescription

پکینگ 6051 گرافیتی گامبیت

Packing of expanded pure graphite yarn reinforced with a thin inconel wire.

T max [⁰C]

-200 to 650

oxygen-free 2000

P max [bar]320
V max [m/s]2
PH0 – 14Dimension range6- 25 mm
parameterfunctional parametersDescription

پکینگ 6051 گرافیتی گامبیت

Packing of expanded pure graphite yarn reinforced with thin inconel wire, with each single thread over-braided with inconel mesh.

T max [⁰C]

-200 to 650

oxygen-free 2000

P max [bar]600
V max [m/s]1.5
PH0 – 14Dimension range6- 25 mm
parameterfunctional parametersDescription

پکینگ 645 گرافیتی گامبیت

Packing of expanded pure graphite yarn with cotton core, additionally impregnated with PTFE.

T max [⁰C]– 200 to 280
P max [bar]25100
V max [m/s]252
PH0 – 14Dimension range6- 25 mm