Comparison Table of Gambit Packings

Braided packings are the most common sealings used in stuffing boxes of pumps and fittings. Easy-to-apply , versatile, long-lasting and relatively cheap, they are continuously a subject of usersʼ interest, although the number of alternative solutions is growing steadily. Implementation of advancements in material engineering, new materials and ever further specialised material and design compositions, allow obtaining better and more durable sealing solutions, provided correct mounting and operation is ensured.

Specifications of Gambit Packings
Design and materialsOperating conditions
range [⁰C]
605GraphiteDiagonally braided packing of expanded graphite yarn on cotton carrier-200 to +4500 – 14
6051GraphiteDiagonally braided packing of expanded graphite yarn on inconel carrier-200 to +6500 – 14
6055GraphiteDiagonally braided packing of expanded graphite yarn with corrosion
inhibitor, where each thread is over-braided with inconel mesh
-200 to +6500 – 14
645GraphiteDiagonally braided packing of expanded graphite yarn
on cotton carrier impregnated with PTFE
-200 to +2800 – 14
608PTFEDiagonally braided packing of fibrous PTFE yarn with incorporated
graphite and silicon oil
-200 to +2800 – 14
6080PTFEDiagonally braided packing of pure, fibrous PTFE yarn without added
oils nor other lubricants
-150 to +2800 – 14
6081PTFEDiagonally braided packing of yarn of fibrous PTFE with silicon oil-200 to +2800 – 14
6084PTFEDiagonally braided packing of fibrous PTFE yarn with incorporated
graphite and large quantities of silicon oil
-200 to +2800 – 14
6491SyntheticDiagonally braided packing of synthetic fibres yarn impregnated
with PTFE
-200 to +2801 – 13
6493SyntheticDiagonally braided packing of aramide fibres yarn impregnated with
-200 to +2802 – 13
6086HybridDiagonally braided packing of fibrous PTFE yarn with incorporated
graphite and silicon oil, and with an interweave of aramide yarn
impregnated with PTFE
-200 to +2802 – 13
6087HybridDiagonally braided packing of fibrous PTFE yarn with incorporated
graphite and silicon oil, and with edges reinforced with aramide yarn
impregnated with PTFE
-200 to +2802 – 13
6089HybridDiagonally braided packing of fibrous PTFE yarn impregnated
with silicon oil, and with edges reinforced with aramide yarn
impregnated with PTFE
-200 to +2802 – 13