Bearing in mind specific properties of PTFE as a material with exceptional chemical resistance and low friction coefficient, but soft at the same time, and mechanical strength of aramide fibres, we produced the combination of both advantages using special weaves. Packings with uniformly interwoven aramide and PTFE yarns are designed for rotating movement, and packings in which aramide reinforces the edges, are designed for to-and-fro motion and for fittings.

parameterfunctional parametersDescription

پکینگ بافته شده هیبریدی 6086

Packing made of PTFE yarn filled with graphite, and aramide yarn impregnated with PTFE

T max [⁰C]– 200 to 280
P max [bar]20300
V max [m/s]202
PH2 – 13Dimension range4 – 30 mm
parameter functional parametersDescription

پکینگ بافته شده هیبریدی 6087

The packing makes good use of excellent properties of PTFE yarns filled with graphite and with silicon oil, adding generally known mechanical strength of aramide.

T max [⁰C]– 200 to 280
P max [bar]200300
V max [m/s]52
PH2 – 13Dimension range4 – 30 mm
parameter functional parametersDescription

پکینگ بافته شده هیبریدی 6089

Packing design is similar to packing type 6087, the only difference being the type of used Teflon yarn, without incorporated graphite

T max [⁰C]– 200 to 280
P max [bar]200300
V max [m/s]52
PH2 – 13Dimension range4 – 30 mm